
John Lennon: his art

Discover the art of John Lennon, one of the greats from the Liverpool quartet, The Beatles.

John Lennon is a 20th-century music icon, without a doubt. He is a globally recognized figure, often celebrated for his great ingenuity, wisdom, and imagination. Additionally, Lennon was a political activist, an artist, poet, author, filmmaker, and also quite a talented drawer.

Peace and love are two central themes found in John Lennon’s art. His drawings are an intimate and whimsical diary of his life with Yoko, sometimes humorous and deeply moving representations of their love and life together. For the first time, the exhibition “Give Peace a Chance: The Art of John Lennon” comes to Mexico, featuring original works created by the artist throughout his life.

john lennon

The art showcased in this exhibition began to take shape before his success with The Beatles and continued throughout his life. From 1957 to 1960, he attended the Liverpool Art Institute, where he developed a sketching and figure drawing style infused with his somewhat sarcastic sense of humor.

Throughout his life, he produced several sketches and lithographs that began to be published in the early 60s. These works are somewhat surreal and created using a method of free association, considered some of the best interpretative art pieces of the time.

Some of his most iconic works are part of the “Bag One” collection, drawings that depicted the wedding and honeymoon of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, as well as some highly erotic poses of them engaging in various types of sexual relations.


Art of John Lennon

“Give Peace a Chance: The Art of John Lennon” is a traveling exhibition that has toured a good part of the world, making stops in major cities. From New York to Tokyo, passing through Berlin, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, London, and now Mexico City, one of the major consumers of Beatlemania on the planet.

One of the most appreciated sketches in this exhibition is the “Bed-In,” which immortalized the famous bed scene with Yoko Ono that represented their honeymoon and, at the same time, a social movement.

Give Peace a Chance: The Art of John Lennon
Where: LS Gallery; Enrique Ibsen 32-A, Polanco, Polanco III Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX.
When: Until August 15, 2024; Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 18:00
Free admission.

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